The HTML code provided describes the structure of an article to be displayed on a website. It includes a header with introductory text, an article body, and a footer.

The HTML code provided describes the structure of an article to be displayed on a website. It includes a header with introductory text, an article body, and a footer. Header “`html


“` * The header contains introductory text describing the content of the article. Article Body “`html … “` * The article body contains the main content of the article. In this code, it appears to be hidden behind a login gate, requiring users to log in to access the full content. Author and Publication Information “`html

Janneke+Stevens 15-06-24,+07:17

“` * The code includes information about the author, Janneke Stevens, and the publication date and time of the article. Metadata “`html

“` * The code also includes metadata about the article, such as its publication date and the name of the publication, BN DeStem. Footer “`html “` * The footer of the article is currently empty.


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