.. (dot-dot) or the ellipsis is a typographic mark used to indicate an omission or pause. It consists of three periods, one after the other. Applications: 1. Shortened Quotations: * To indicate that parts of a quotation have been omitted without affecting the meaning: > “I have a dream…” – Martin Luther King Jr. 2. Lists and Enumerations: * To represent the continuation of a list or enumeration when the items are self-explanatory: > Fruits: Apples, Oranges, … 3. Pauses and Hesitation: * In dialogue, to indicate pauses, unfinished thoughts, or hesitancy: > “Well… I don’t know what to say.” 4. Incomplete Phrases: * To replace a missing word or phrase that is implied by the context: > “I’m not sure… what to do next.” 5. Open-Endedness: * To suggest that something is ongoing or that the thought is deliberately left incomplete: > “And so the story continues…” 6. Emphasis: * To draw attention to a following word or phrase: > This is the most important point… never forget it. 7. Dramatic Effect: * In literature and creative writing, to create suspense, anticipation, or a sense of mystery: > The footsteps grew louder… and then suddenly… silence. Usage Guidelines: * Use a space after the second period but not before the first or third. * In formal writing, use three periods to indicate an omission; in informal writing, four periods may be used. * Avoid overuse of ellipsis, as it can make writing fragmented and difficult to read.Dots in ComputingDots in Computing Ellipses, represented by three consecutive dots (“…”) in computing, serve a variety of purposes: File Paths: * In file paths, dots are used as separators to indicate the directory or parent directory. For example: * `/home/user/Documents/file.txt` * `../file.txt` (moves up one level in the directory structure) Parameter Expansion: * In shell scripting, dots can be used to expand parameters. For example: * `echo $1…` prints all the arguments passed to the script * `echo “$@”` prints all the arguments as a single string Range Operator: * In programming languages, dots can be used to specify a range of values: * `for i in 0…100 { … }` (loop from 0 to 100, inclusive) * `range(1, 101)` (in Python) creates a list of numbers from 1 to 100 Placeholders: * Dots can be used as placeholders to indicate omitted information: * `[email protected]` (email address with the domain name omitted) * `1.2.3…4` (IPv4 address with the last octet omitted) Truncated Output: * In command line interfaces (CLIs), dots may be used to truncate the output when it would overflow the screen: * `ls -l | more` (paginates the output of the `ls -l` command) Regular Expressions: * In regular expressions, dots represent any single character: * `^.+.txt$` matches any file ending with `.txt` Ellipsis in Python: * In Python, the `…` operator is used to indicate a variable number of arguments or parameters, often used in function definitions: * `def my_function(*args, **kwargs): …` (accepts any number of positional and keyword arguments) Other Uses: * Dots can also be used for: * Separating lists of items (e.g., “1, 2, 3…”) * Indicating unfinished thoughts or sentences (e.g., “As far as I know…”) * Creating decorative patterns or borders
Migrant Crisis Deepens in Europe as Arrivals Surge The arrival of asylum seekers in Europe has reached unprecedented levels, putting a strain on resources and sparking humanitarian concerns. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), over 1 million people crossed the Mediterranean Sea to seek refuge in Europe in 2015. The vast majority of arrivals are fleeing conflict and persecution in war-torn countries such as Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Many are also escaping poverty and economic hardship in their homelands. The main entry points for migrants are Greece and Italy, which have been overwhelmed by the influx of people. Refugee camps and reception centers are overcrowded and unsanitary, leading to health concerns. European governments are struggling to manage the crisis. Some countries have closed their borders or imposed strict quotas on the number of asylum seekers they will accept. This has led to a buildup of migrants in countries like Greece, where over 50,000 people are stranded in overcrowded camps. The European Union (EU) has pledged billions of euros to help member states manage the crisis. However, there is disagreement among member states about how to share responsibility for the arrivals. The crisis has also sparked political tensions within European countries. Anti-immigrant sentiment has been on the rise, with some far-right groups calling for the closure of all borders to migrants. Humanitarian Concerns Grow The migrant crisis has had a devastating impact on the lives of those seeking refuge. Many have endured dangerous journeys and faced exploitation and abuse. The overcrowded and unsanitary conditions in refugee camps have led to outbreaks of disease. In some cases, migrants have died waiting for asylum to be processed. Children and women are particularly vulnerable during the journey and in refugee camps. They are at risk of separation from their families, exploitation, and sexual violence. Call for a Humane Response Humanitarian organizations are calling on European governments to respond to the crisis with compassion and respect for human rights. They are urging governments to provide safe and legal routes for asylum seekers and to ensure that they have access to basic services and protection. The crisis is a test of Europe’s values and its commitment to helping those in need. Urgent action is needed to prevent further suffering and to find a lasting solution to the displacement of people around the world.
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