In the realm of computing, a series of consecutive dots, denoted as “…”, represents an ellipsis or three-dot notation. It serves as a placeholder indicating omitted elements or a continuation of a thought or sequence. Ellipsis * In text processing, an ellipsis is used to indicate that text has been omitted from a quote or passage. It signifies that there is a gap in the original material, preserving its meaning without altering the context. “` Original text: “The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.” Ellipses: “The quick brown fox… over the lazy dog.” “` * In mathematics, an ellipsis can represent an infinite sequence or a pattern that continues indefinitely. “` 1, 2, 3, …, n “` Continuation In programming languages, an ellipsis is often used to indicate that a function accepts a variable number of arguments. For example: “`python def sum(*numbers): total = 0 for number in numbers: total += number return total “` In this example, the `sum` function can accept any number of arguments and will calculate their total. Ellipsis notation also finds applications in: Path traversal: * In file paths, “..” represents the parent directory. It allows users to navigate up a directory tree. “` /Users/username/Documents/../Pictures “` Regular expressions: * In regular expression patterns, an ellipsis is used as a wildcard to match any number of occurrences of a character or pattern. “` .* “` Command line: * In command line interfaces, an ellipsis can be used to suppress output or indicate that a command is continuing on multiple lines. “` ls -l … “` Ellipsis notation is a versatile tool that allows for concise representation of omitted or continued information. It enhances readability, streamlines code, and facilitates efficient navigation in various computing contexts.Ellipsis: The Art of Leaving Things UnsaidEllipsis: The Art of Leaving Things Unsaid In the realm of language, where words weave intricate tapestries of meaning, the ellipsis stands out as a subtle yet enigmatic punctuation mark. Represented by three dots (…), it possesses an uncanny ability to convey untold stories, unspoken emotions, and lingering thoughts. A Space for the Unknown An ellipsis often signifies an omission or a pause in the flow of thought. It creates a space where the reader’s imagination can fill in the blanks, piecing together a narrative from the fragments provided. By suggesting the unsaid, it evokes a sense of intrigue and invites the reader to engage in an active interpretation. A Hint of Mystery In literature, an ellipsis can serve as a subtle clue, hinting at an undisclosed secret or a plot twist yet to unfold. It can also create a sense of suspense, leaving the reader on the edge of their seat as they eagerly await the revelation of what is to come. Emotional Undertones Beyond its grammatical function, an ellipsis can convey a wide range of emotions. It can indicate hesitation, uncertainty, or a profound silence that speaks louder than words. It can also evoke a sense of nostalgia, longing, or regret. A Multifaceted Tool The ellipsis is a versatile punctuation mark that can be used in various contexts: * In dialogue: to indicate a pause or hesitation in speech. * In narrative: to create a sense of suspense or to suggest an undisclosed event. * In poetry: to convey emotional undertones or to create a sense of rhythm. * In academic writing: to indicate an omission or to acknowledge the existence of other perspectives. The Power of Implication The ellipsis derives its power from its ability to imply without explicitly stating. It invites the reader to participate in the construction of meaning, creating a more profound and interactive reading experience. However, it is important to use an ellipsis sparingly and appropriately. Overuse can dilute its impact and make writing appear fragmented. A Symbol of Exploration The ellipsis is not merely a punctuation mark; it is a symbol of exploration, imagination, and the boundless possibilities that language holds. It allows writers to convey complex ideas and evoke strong emotions with just a few dots. In the vast library of words, the ellipsis stands as a humble yet powerful punctuation mark, reminding us that sometimes the unsaid can speak volumes.
NSC to Consider Sanctions on Russia The U.S. National Security Council (NSC) is set to meet this week to consider imposing new sanctions on Russia. The sanctions are intended to punish Russia for its alleged interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The NSC, which is led by President Donald Trump, will weigh the potential impact of the sanctions on both Russia and the United States. The sanctions could target Russia’s financial sector, its energy industry, and its ability to import and export goods. The U.S. is considering the sanctions in response to a report by the U.S. intelligence community that concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 election in an attempt to help Trump win. The report also found that Russia continues to pose a threat to the U.S. electoral process. Trump has been reluctant to impose sanctions on Russia, despite pressure from Congress and his own administration. However, the NSC meeting this week could indicate that he is reconsidering his position. The sanctions would be the latest in a series of measures that the U.S. has taken in response to Russia’s alleged election interference. The U.S. has already expelled dozens of Russian diplomats and seized two Russian diplomatic compounds. If the U.S. imposes sanctions on Russia, it could escalate tensions between the two countries. Russia has warned that it will retaliate against any sanctions.
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