.. (dot-dot) is a special syntax in programming languages and file systems that represents the parent directory of the current directory. It is a relative path that moves up one level in the directory hierarchy. File Systems: * In file systems, ‘..’ is a directory entry that points to the parent directory. For example, if you are in the directory “/home/user/Documents”, then the path “/home/user/..” will navigate to the “/home/user” directory. Programming Languages: * In many programming languages, ‘..’ is used to access the parent object or class of an object. For instance, in Python: “`python class Animal: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name class Dog(Animal): def bark(self): print(“Woof!”) my_dog = Dog(“Spot”) print(my_dog.name) # Accesses Dog’s attribute print(my_dog.__class__.__name__) # Accesses Dog’s parent class (Animal) “` Special Behavior: * In some cases, ‘..’ has special behavior: * Absolute Paths: Prepending ‘..’ to an absolute path will start the path from the root directory. For example, “../etc/passwd” on a Linux system would refer to the “/etc/passwd” file. * Joining File Paths: ‘..’ can be used to join file paths. For instance, on Windows, “file.txt” joined with “..” results in “.file.txt”. Limitations: * ‘..’ cannot move up beyond the root directory. * In some programming languages, ‘..’ may not be accessible in certain contexts, such as when dealing with protected attributes.
Scientists Develop Innovative Technique to Combat Climate Change Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have made a groundbreaking breakthrough in the fight against climate change. They have developed a novel technique that efficiently captures carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and converts it into valuable building materials. The process involves using a specialized solvent to absorb CO2 from flue gases, such as those emitted by power plants and industrial facilities. The solvent then reacts with the CO2, forming a solid carbonate mineral called calcium carbonate (CaCO3). “This technique offers a promising solution to the dual challenges of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and providing sustainable building materials,” said Professor Michael Strano, who led the research team. CaCO3 is a versatile material commonly used in the construction industry for producing cement, concrete, and other building products. By converting CO2 into CaCO3, the new technology effectively sequesters carbon while simultaneously creating valuable resources. “The beauty of this process is that it transforms a major contributor to climate change into a useful product that can be used in everyday applications,” said Dr. Ryan Lively, a co-author of the study. The researchers believe that their technique has the potential to make a significant impact in the global fight against climate change. They are currently working on scaling up the technology for commercial applications. “We are excited about the possibilities of this technology and its potential to contribute to a more sustainable future,” said Professor Strano.
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