The Dot-Dot Operator In programming, the double dot operator (“..”) represents the range of values between two specified endpoints. It is commonly used in conjunction with loops and array slicing. Syntax: “` startValue..endValue “` Behavior: * Inclusive: The range includes both the `startValue` and the `endValue`. * Step: By default, the step value is 1, meaning the range increments by 1 in each iteration. * Custom Step: A custom step value can be specified as the third argument: “` startValue..endValue..stepValue “` Applications: 1. Looping Through Ranges: “`python for number in range(1, 11): print(number) “` 2. Array Slicing: “`javascript const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; const slice = array[1..3]; // [2, 3] “` 3. Generating Ranges: “`ruby range = (1..10).to_a; // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] “` 4. Negative Step Values: Negative step values can be used to create descending ranges: “` for number in range(10, 1, -1): print(number) “` 5. Infinite Ranges: Ranges with no specified end value continue indefinitely: “`python for number in range(1, None): print(number) “` Advantages: * Conciseness: The dot-dot operator provides a concise way to represent ranges of values. * Flexibility: It allows for easy customization of the step value and range bounds. * Language Independence: The dot-dot operator is commonly supported in many programming languages. Cautions: * Endpoint Inclusion: Ensure that the correct endpoints are specified, as the range includes both values. * Step Value: The step value must be an integer greater than 0 or less than 0. * Empty Ranges: Ranges with the same start and end values will result in an empty range.Ellipsis: “…”Ellipsis: “…” In written language, ellipsis (…) represents the omission or deliberate withholding of words from a text. It is used in a variety of contexts to create specific effects. Functions of Ellipsis: * Indicating Pauses or Hesitations: Ellipsis can suggest a pause or hesitation in speech, leaving the reader to infer the unspoken words. * Creating Suspense or Tension: By omitting key words, ellipsis can create suspense or tension, keeping the reader engaged and eager to discover what comes next. * Emphasizing a Point: Ellipsis can be used to highlight a particular word or phrase by placing it in isolation. The omission of surrounding words draws attention to the emphasized element. * Showing Incomplete Thoughts or Actions: Ellipsis can convey incomplete thoughts or actions, indicating that the speaker or character is interrupted or has left something unfinished. * Revealing Uncomfortable Truths: Ellipsis can be used to hint at or suggest uncomfortable or sensitive topics without explicitly stating them. Grammar and Usage: * Ellipsis is usually indicated by three periods in a row (…). It can be used at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence or phrase. * Ellipsis may replace words, phrases, or even entire sentences. In such cases, the surrounding context helps the reader infer the omitted material. * When used to indicate pauses or hesitations, ellipsis may be accompanied by dashes (- – -) to create a more natural effect. Examples: * “I can’t believe he said that…” (Indicating a pause or hesitation) * “In the end, it was all a mystery…” (Creating suspense or tension) * “No, but…” (Emphasizing a particular word) * “She started to speak, but then…” (Showing an incomplete thought) * “I don’t know… Maybe it’s better if we forget.” (Revealing an uncomfortable truth) Ellipsis is a versatile literary device that can add depth, nuance, and emotional impact to writing. It encourages the reader to become an active participant in the narrative, filling in the gaps and interpreting the unspoken.News Article New Jersey Governor Murphy Announces New Affordable Housing Initiative Governor Phil Murphy today announced a comprehensive affordable housing initiative旨在解决该州住房成本不断上升的问题。该倡议将创建 200,000 套负担得起的住房单元,包括出租、合作社和自有住房。 该倡议包括 10 亿美元的资金,用于在未来五年内创造负担得起的住房。该资金将用于为开发商提供贷款和赠款,以建造和翻新负担得起的住房单元。 Murphy 表示,这一倡议对于创造一个每个人都能负担得起住房的州至关重要。“我们州的住房成本正使许多人无法实现梦想,”他说。“这个倡议将确保所有新泽西人都有一个安全、负担得起的居住地。” 该倡议还包括一项新的州法律,要求所有市政当局将其 10% 的土地指定为负担得起的住房。这项法律还将为开发负担得起的住房项目提供激励措施。 住房倡导者对这一倡议表示欢迎。新泽西住房与社区发展联盟主任 Staci Berger 表示,“这一倡议是新泽西住房危机的游戏规则改变者。” “这一倡议将创建一个更公平的新泽西州,让每个人都能负担得起一个家,”伯杰说。
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