Code Oranje: Zware Onweersbuien Dreigen Avond] Weerberichtgevers waarschuwen voor een zware onweersbui die vanavond over Nederland zal trekken. Het KNMI heeft hiervoor code oranje afgekondigd, wat betekent dat er kans is op: * Heftige regenbuien met wateroverlast * Hagelstenen tot 6 centimeter groot * Windstoten tot 100 kilometer per uur De onweersbui wordt verwacht tussen 20:00 uur en 23:00 uur. Het getroffen gebied strekt zich uit van Zeeland tot Limburg. Advies Inwoners in het getroffen gebied worden geadviseerd om de volgende maatregelen te nemen: * Blijf binnen of binnen de auto * Schakel elektrische apparaten uit * Sluit ramen en deuren * Zet losse spullen binnen * Zoek niet de bescherming op onder bomen Gevolgen Zware onweersbuien kunnen aanzienlijke schade veroorzaken, waaronder: * Wateroverlast door hevige regenval * Schade aan gebouwen, voertuigen en bomen door hagel * Ontworteling van bomen door harde wind Het is belangrijk om deze waarschuwing serieus te nemen en de nodige voorzorgsmaatregelen te treffen. Blijf op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws en volg de instructies van de autoriteiten.The provided HTML markup contains a news article about severe thunderstorms expected to hit the Netherlands, specifically the province of Zeeland, on Tuesday afternoon and evening. The article includes a warning issued by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) with a code orange alert for the entire country.The provided HTML markup contains a news article about severe thunderstorms expected to hit the Netherlands, specifically the province of Zeeland, on Tuesday afternoon and evening. The article includes a warning issued by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) with a code orange alert for the entire country. Headline: * THOLEN – The KNMI has issued a code orange warning for the entire Netherlands for Tuesday afternoon and evening due to severe thunderstorms. These storms can bring heavy rain, lightning, large hail, and strong wind gusts. The warning applies to Zeeland from 4-5 pm. Key Points: * The severe thunderstorms are expected to move from southwest to northeast across the country. * Strong wind gusts up to 100 kilometers per hour, hailstones 2-4 centimeters in diameter, and heavy rain (20-40 mm) can be expected. * Lightning strikes, flooding, fallen trees, and hail can cause damage and disruptions. * Outdoor activities should be avoided due to the risk of lightning. * Loose items should be secured, electrical appliances unplugged, and cellars sealed if possible. * Drivers are advised to slow down, maintain a safe distance, and avoid driving through large puddles. Additional Information: * The article cites a tweet from the KNMI’s official Twitter account, which provides an image of the warning map. * The article includes a script that is used for tracking website visits and events through Facebook Pixel.Code Orange: Severe thunderstorms with possible hail and strong winds tonight The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) has issued a code orange weather warning for the provinces of Noord-Holland, Flevoland, Utrecht, Gelderland, Overijssel and Drenthe. The warning is in effect from 7 pm tonight until 3 am tomorrow morning. The KNMI expects severe thunderstorms with heavy rain, hail and strong winds. The wind can reach speeds of up to 100 kilometres per hour. The KNMI advises people to stay indoors and avoid open areas. The storms are part of a cold front that is moving over the Netherlands. The cold front is expected to bring heavy rain and thunderstorms to the entire country. The KNMI advises people to follow the weather forecast and take precautions to stay safe.
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