Ongeval met Letsel op Kruising Berkhoek in Udenhout

Ongeval met Letsel op Kruising Berkhoek in Udenhout Woensdagmiddag heeft er een ongeval plaatsgevonden op de kruising Berkhoek in het Brabantse Udenhout. Bij het ongeval zijn twee auto’s betrokken. Omstreeks 15:15 uur werden de hulpdiensten gealarmeerd. Meerdere ambulances en een traumahelikopter werden ingezet. Volgens 112Nieuws Tilburg zijn er bij het ongeval meerdere personen gewond geraakt. De aard en ernst van hun verwondingen is op dit moment nog niet bekend. De kruising is momenteel afgesloten voor verkeer. De politie doet onderzoek naar de toedracht van het ongeval. Getuigen van het ongeval wordt verzocht contact op te nemen met de politie. 112Nieuws Tilburg houdt u op de hoogte van de laatste ontwikkelingen.The HTML code provided appears to be a fragment of a web page that includes a news article along with some metadata. Here’s a breakdown of the different elements:The HTML code provided appears to be a fragment of a web page that includes a news article along with some metadata. Here’s a breakdown of the different elements: `

`: This is an empty `

` element, which is used to add a line break to the page. “: This is a “ element, which is used to group and organize content on the page. `

`: This is a comment that appears to be used by a content management system to identify and style the page header. “: This is the start of the article header, which typically contains the article title, author, and other metadata. `

`: This is a `

` element within the header that contains the article’s introductory text. `Bij een aanrijding op de kruising van de Kreitenmolenstraat en de Berkhoek in Udenhout zijn zondagmiddag mogelijk één of meerdere personen gewond geraakt.`: This is the introductory text of the article, which provides a brief summary of the news event. “: This is the end of the article header. `

`: This is another empty `

` element, which is likely used to add some vertical spacing between the header and the main article content. `

`: This is the article’s source information, which includes the name of the author or news organization (“112Redactie”). `16-06-24, 13:23`: This is the article’s publication date and time. `
Laatste update:

`: This is information about the article’s last update, indicating that it was updated at 13:28. ``: This closes the `` element containing the update information. `

`: This is another empty `

` element. `

`: This is an empty `` element within an empty `

` element. It is unclear what purpose it serves. ``: This closes the empty `` element. `

`: This closes the second empty `

` element. “: This is a “ tag that provides machine-readable information about the article’s publication date and time. `

`: This is a `` element that contains a “ tag with information about the news organization’s logo. “: This is another “ tag with information about the logo’s width. “: This is a third “ tag with information about the logo’s height. `
`: This closes the `` element containing the logo information. “: This is a fourth “ tag with information about the news organization (“AD”). ``: This closes the second `` element. `

`: This closes the `

` element containing the “ tags. `

`: This is a comment that appears to be used by a content management system to include sharing buttons or other social media integration. `

`: This is another comment that appears to be used by a content management system to include sharing buttons or other social media integration. “: This is the start of the article’s main body. It contains the full text of the article. “: This is a login gate that appears to be used by the news organization to limit access to the full article for non-subscribers. `

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`: This is the text of the login gate, which encourages users to log in or create an account to access the full article. `

`: This is an empty `

` element within the login gate. `

Log in of maak een account aan en mis niks meer van de sterren.

`: This is additional text within the login gate, encouraging users to subscribe. `

` element containing the login button. `

`: This is the text of the login button, which encourages users to click to subscribe. “: This closes the login gate. `

`: This is a comment that appears to be used by a content management system to include fixed advertising on the page. `

`: This is another comment that appears to be used by a content management system to include fixed advertising on the page. “: This closes the “ containing the article body. “: This is the start of the article footer, which typically contains additional information or links related to the article. “: This is the end of the article footer.Bij een ongeval op kruising Berkhoek in Udenhout is maandagmiddag een vrouw gewond geraakt. Volgens de politie nam een afslaande auto de voorrang van een tegemoetkomende auto. De bestuurster van de tegemoetkomende auto raakte gewond en is met de ambulance naar het ziekenhuis vervoerd. De kruising was na het ongeval enige tijd afgesloten voor verkeer. De politie doet onderzoek naar de toedracht van het ongeval.


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