Agenten houden drie leerlingen staande met getrokken wapen na tip over vuurwapen op Utrechtse school

Agenten houden drie leerlingen staande met getrokken wapen na tip over vuurwapen op Utrechtse school UTRECHT – Drie leerlingen van de Algemene HAVO stonden maandagmiddag met getrokken wapen staande achter op het schoolplein. De politie kreeg een melding dat er een vuurwapen op de school zou zijn. De politie rukte met meerdere eenheden uit en trof de leerlingen aan op het schoolplein. Ze werden gefouilleerd en er werd geen vuurwapen aangetroffen. De politie heeft de leerlingen meegenomen naar het politiebureau voor verhoor. De school is ontruimd en de politie doet onderzoek. Er zijn geen gewonden gevallen. De politie roept getuigen op zich te melden.The provided HTML code represents the structure of a news article, with various sections and elements. Let’s break down each section:The provided HTML code represents the structure of a news article, with various sections and elements. Let’s break down each section: 1. `

`: This is an empty paragraph tag, which usually indicates a section break or a placeholder for content to be added later. 2. “: This is a div element, which is commonly used to group and organize content. In this case, it wraps the article’s header, body, and footer sections. 3. “: This is the article’s header, which typically contains the title and introductory text. 4. `

`: This is the introductory paragraph of the article, providing a brief overview of the main story. 5. `: This is a duplicate instance of the header tag, which is not valid HTML syntax. It’s possible that this is a typo or an error in the original code. 6. `: This is a duplicate instance of the introductory paragraph, which is also not valid HTML syntax. 7. `
Ard Schouten, Emma Thies

`: This section contains the author(s) of the article. 8. `14-06-24, 18:39`: This element represents the publication date and time of the article. 9. `

Laatste update:


`: This section contains the last update time and a possible credit for the content. 10. `
`: This meta element provides the ISO 8601 format of the publication date and time. 11. `
`: This meta element includes a link to the brand logo associated with the article. 12. `
`: This meta element specifies the height of the brand logo. 13. `
`: This meta element specifies the width of the brand logo. 14. `
`: This meta element indicates the publication name, in this case, it’s “AD”. 15. “: This div element contains the main body of the article, but it’s wrapped within a login gate, where users may need to sign in to access the full content. 16. “: This div element represents the login gate, which typically displays a message encouraging users to sign in or subscribe to access the remaining content. 17. `

`: This element holds additional information or instructions related to the login gate. 19. `


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