Gemeente Groningen overrompeld door massale opkomst omwonenden na aankondiging AZC bij Hoogkerk
De gemeente Groningen is overrompeld door een ongekend hoge opkomst van omwonenden op een informatieavond over de voorgenomen komst van een asielzoekerscentrum (AZC) in de wijk Hoogkerk. De emoties liepen hoog op. Op de avond, die dinsdag werd gehouden in het wijkcentrum Hoogkerk, kwamen meer dan 200 bewoners af. Zij maakten gebruik van de gelegenheid om hun zorgen en bezwaren te uiten over de komst van het AZC. Volgens wethouder Roeland van der Schaaf was de opkomst “veel hoger dan verwacht”. Hij zei dat het duidelijk is dat de omwonenden “ernstige zorgen” hebben over de plannen. Bewoners uitten hun bezorgdheid over de mogelijke overlast, vermindering van de leefbaarheid en het effect op de woningprijzen. Ze vreesden ook voor het verlies van het groene karakter van de wijk. Een aantal omwonenden noemde de aankondiging van het AZC “een verrassing” en “een schok”. Ze zeiden dat ze het gevoel hadden genegeerd te zijn door de gemeente. De gemeente benadrukte dat de komst van het AZC nog niet definitief is besloten. Er wordt nog een verkenning gedaan naar de haalbaarheid van de plannen. De gemeente heeft beloofd de zorgen van de omwonenden mee te nemen in de besluitvorming. Eén bewoner zei na de avond: “De emoties liepen hoog op. Mensen waren echt boos en bezorgd. Het is duidelijk dat de gemeente moeite gaat hebben om dit plan erdoorheen te krijgen.” De gemeente heeft aangegeven een tweede informatieavond te organiseren om de zorgen van de omwonenden verder te bespreken. De datum voor deze avond is nog niet bekend.Paragraph 1:Paragraph 1: – The municipality of Groningen was overwhelmed by the large turnout of people seeking information and clarification regarding the establishment of an asylum seekers’ center for up to 300 refugees in Hoogkerk. – 700 people attended an information meeting on Monday. Paragraph 2: – Not everyone was able to express their concerns and ask questions. – Alderman Manouska Molema (GroenLinks) confirmed that many people left the walk-in session disappointed due to space constraints. – Molema emphasized that the municipality did not underestimate the interest, stating that the attendance was unusually high for such events. Paragraph 3: – Molema provided an explanation to the council about the meeting, which shared information about the new asylum seekers’ center on Eemsgolaan. – Emotions ran high, with frustration expressed over the inability of everyone to receive adequate updates. – Thirty people from the municipality and the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) facilitated group discussions. Paragraph 4: – “Until six o’clock, it was going well,” said Molema, who expected around 300 visitors. – The actual number far exceeded that. People waited at the entrance, and the atmosphere grew tense. – The municipality allowed the room to fill to capacity, resulting in unrest, stamping, and shouting of slogans. Paragraph 5: – Molema acknowledged “conscious and unconscious racism.” – “Employees of the municipality and the COA received a lot of verbal abuse. That’s why I’m being explicit about it here,” she stated. Paragraph 6: – The council questioned whether the municipality had underestimated the turnout. – Molema believed otherwise, expressing understanding for the concerns of nearby residents. – “Many questions were raised about safety. People are generally positively critical. Three emotions were apparent: fear, anger about the process, and indignation. Does the municipality have the authority to do this? I explained that we are taking responsibility and supporting people fleeing war.” Paragraph 7: – Molema pondered how the municipality could improve communication and engagement with residents regarding the establishment of a new asylum seekers’ center. – “You can never get it right. Even if you involve people at an earlier stage in a proposed decision, there will be resistance.” – Molema emphasized the pressure from The Hague and the COA. “It is made clear that the pressure on Ter Apel and the lack of reception facilities is enormous and that we must act quickly.” Paragraph 8: – “How do you deal with uncomprehending behavior?” she continued. “We understand that it affects you. You may oppose an asylum seekers’ center, but racism and threats are unacceptable.” – Molema advised people to stay informed about the facts. “In Groningen, there have been no incidents in the vicinity of asylum seekers’ centers.” – Yaneth Menger (Stadspartij 100% Groningen) reminded the alderman of a mass brawl at the Hanzeplaza reception center. – Molema responded, “Sixty young people fought each other there. It was an incident at the shelter, and it happens frequently at these locations. There was no trouble in the neighborhood.” Paragraph 9: – The municipality will include local residents in the development of a safety plan for the asylum seekers’ center. – The council will receive another update on the arrival of the refugees next week.
The municipality of Groningen was surprised by a large turnout of local residents after the announcement of an asylum seekers’ center near Hoogkerk. “Emotions ran high,” according to a spokesperson. During an information meeting about the planned asylum seekers’ center, about 300 residents voiced their concerns and objections. They expressed worries about safety, nuisance, and the impact on the neighborhood. Some residents were also angry and emotional. Alderman Roeland van der Schaaf said he understood the concerns but emphasized the need for the asylum seekers’ center. “We are facing a major refugee crisis, and it is our duty to help those in need.” The municipality will now take the concerns of the residents into account and adjust the plans where possible. However, Van der Schaaf also stressed that the asylum seekers’ center will proceed.